domingo, 15 de março de 2020

Wiliamson 6

"A linking of the internal, thoughts and feelings, with something external and 'objective' is a crucial feature in any creation of meaning (...) and the need for some such connection is a basic one. It has been the function of art to make this sort of connection (...) It is now the function of the media to provide us with apparently 'objective' correlatives and 'meanings' (since art has become preoccupied with its inability to mean) (...) Advertising too is based on evoking emotion, but not directly, only through a promise of evoking pleasure [activated through the rite of purchase and possession]."

Williamson, Judith. “A Currency of Signs”, Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising. Marion Boyars, 2010, pp. 31.

 Vejam esta entrada no blogue da companhia PMG  ("Art in Advertising", Stephen Hill, 24 maio, 2016) e ainda o artigo "Advertising Inspired by Famous Paintings" de Mirko Humbert, no blogue Designer Daily, de onde retirei as imagens aqui reproduzidas. Pensem ainda na relação entre este excerto e as reflexões de John Berger no capítulo 7 de Ways of Seeing, sobre a continuidade iconográfica entre a pintura a óleo e a publicidade contemporânea.

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