quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014

Cosméticos cancerígenos

"L’Oreal is using Ovarian Cancer Awareness to sell its stuff, while exposing millions of people to increased risks of cancer by refusing to remove cancer-causing chemicals from its products. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has identified a number of common carcinogens linked to cancer, many of which are found in L’Oreal’s cosmetics, anti-aging products and even baby shampoos.
There’s nothing glamorous about cancer-causing chemicals in products being sold to help us feel and look beautiful. While L’Oreal supports Ovarian Cancer research, the company isn’t doing its part to prevent the problem. We’re now joining our friends at the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics in calling L’Oreal out over its outrageous hypocrisy."

Mais uma campanha lançada pelo projeto "The Story of Stuff". Assinem a petição aqui.

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