sábado, 18 de abril de 2020


 Cotação I = 90, II = 100, Estrutura; argumentação; correção formal = 10
“Today there is a new world-view being produced by people making, watching and circulating images in quantities and ways that could never have been anticipated in 1990. Visual culture is now the study of how to understand change in a world too enormous to see but vital to imagine. (…) Networks have redistributed and expanded the viewing space, while often contracting the size of a screen on which images are viewed, and deteriorating their quality. Visual culture today is the key manifestation in everyday life of what sociologist Manuel Castells calls ‘the network society’, a way of social life that takes its shape from electronic information networks (1996). It is not just that networks give us access to images — the image relates to networked life on- and offline and the ways we think about and experience those relations.”
Mirzoeff, Nicholas. How to See the World. Penguin, 2015, pp. 12-13.

Comente o excerto apresentado tendo em conta a sua experiência enquanto produtor e consumidor de imagens no mundo digital contemporâneo.

Analise o anúncio publicitário acima reproduzido (a primeira imagem foi retirada da internet e serve só de referência de leitura da embalagem do produto), tendo em conta os instrumentos teóricos por nós estudados. O cartaz encontrava-se no bar Cantinho das Letras, FLUL, em outubro de 2017.

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