segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2016

Teaser_corpos estátua

Caros colegas e professora,

Partilhamos convosco o nosso teaser da apresentação que acontecerá na segunda-feira. Esperamos que gostem.

" the publicity image which is ephemeral uses only the future tense. With this you will become desirable. In these surroundings all you relationships will become happy and radiant. (...) The gap between what publicity actually offers and the future it promises corresponds with the gap between what the spectator-buyer feels himself to be and what he would like to be. The two gaps become one; and instead of the single gap being bridged by action or lived experience,it is filled with glamours day-dreams."
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. Cap.7

Blanca Mar
Nina Lumiere
Ruben Almeida
Vanessa Silva

1 comentário:

  1. Gosto do vídeo e da associação entre corpos vivos, em esforço para se assemelharem a corpos de estátuas...
