quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2015

Escolhas divergentes_alternativas de vida

The Woman Who Chose to Plant Corn

"Not long ago, a Diné (Navajo) friend of mine, Lyla June Johnston, sent me a one-line email: "I am not going to Harvard... I am going to plant corn."

Her statement signals a profound divergence from the path she'd set out on when she was an undergraduate at Stanford University. She is choosing instead to learn the lifeways of her culture, to become fluent in her language, to relearn traditional skills, to be intimate with the land. The dominant American culture does not encourage such a path."

Este é o início de um artigo de Charles Eisenstein, proponente da ecomia sagrada (sobre a qual já há informação no nosso blogue, aqui). Podem ler o artigo completo aqui.

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