quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2014

Buy Nothing Day_29 novembro

"What do the holidays mean to you? If you take a second to close your eyes and picture the holiday season you will likely be thinking of hearty dinners, holiday parties, and spending time with your family to focus on the blessings you enjoy. Our most cherished holiday memories come from enjoying what we have with those we love.
However, while being content is wonderful for our sanity, it's a major problem for retailers. Large corporations are telling their own holiday stories, ones in which we express our love not by doing stuff with our families, but by buying Stuff for them -- the holidays aren’t about friends dropping in, but shopping ‘til you drop.
Ad executives have created “Black Friday” as its own special consumer high holiday to start off the "holiday shopping season." Of course we can buy gifts for those we love, but we can’t allow commercialism to take over the holidays. That's why instead of giving in to holiday sales madness, we are celebrating international "Buy Nothing Day" instead, a holiday turning the biggest consumer holiday of the year into a sacred time with friends and family."
This November 29th, pledge to spend time with friends instead of spending money at the mall! 

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